Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Things so far have been going great. Everything but my writings. It's like I have been so busy that I just could not keep up really good. My life is changing every day and with every step I make I get stronger along the way. Hopefully one day my writings will also. I have been thinking out some things about my life and as i look and reality starts to hit me I start to see how good I am blessed with the little writing skills that I have. Lately I have been trying to figure out my life and all the things that are coming with it. but life just gets harder and harder with the days. Some times I stop and think about crazy stuff that I have wrote about when I was little, even if they were just little fairy tale stories of some sort. No matter what I seemed to write about it always seemed to resemble my life in some shape form or fashion. well maybe that's just my way of saying that i really really love my life!!