Friday, January 30, 2009

Chapter 2 Process of Discovery

This book is great if you ask me. It is like the bible to writing. It tells you everything there is to know. For example, i had no idea that you should not start a sentence off with the word "I". Sometimes you have to use slang in your papers, not meaning write a whole paper in slang, but it is OK. Only in cases like trying to get a point across or in a phrase. In this chapter i did not really learn much but stuff that was already taught or i somehow knew. I mean yeah, of course good writers write well all the time but even God had a bad day. Just because you are a good writer does not mean that you necessarily have to be a good reader. You could just like to read a lot. If reading is not something you like then you really should step up your game.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Process of Discovrey Chapter1

This was ok. This chapter basically talks about a comparison between music and writing. I think that is was a good topic because in many ways writnig is music. I say this because when u write, most of the time you are expressing how you feel at that moment in time and most music sometimes does the same. The text also talks about what makes a good writer as far concentration and openess. Any one can be a good writer but in order to do good work you must be able to think the unthinkable, meaning outside the box. It is alot easier to be to be a good writer than to just put something together that do not make alot of since.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

my thoughts of the packet reading

This reading was not what i expected. It talks about the first steps of writing and editing your writing errors. I feel like this paper is a useful tool for someone who needs to better their writing skills. It opened my eyes to different ways of free writing and other topics that surround. One point that the paper states that I go along with is that fact that when you read your paper aloud to others you will ind that you can get more help and better feedback. If you ask yourself questions about the topic you are reading it makes it easier to write a good paper. Me personally, I do not cluster when I write because it gets me no where, but I have found that other people use it as an effective way to help write. So I guess this reading was in all good and something that I learn from.

Friday, January 23, 2009

How I feel about writing

Me personally, I look at writing as an escape from every thing in the world. I enjoy writing, it helps me to put things into a different prospective and narrow down my choices. I feel free when I write, as if I can do what ever. Writing is like my own little world that I create as i go. It makes me happy to know I can be free doing something as simple a writing. When I write my mind is free of all things except what going on or what I am going to write about. The majority of my writing is about the people that I love and care about which is my family, friends and co-workers. I mean what else can I say except i love this stuff!